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Architecture service in stage

  1. Ascertain Clients requirements

  2. Visit the site, Examine site conditions (Potential & Restraints)

  3. Analyze impact of existing or proposed developments on its immediate environs

  4. Advice the Client to get the detailed survey and soil investigation at the site of the Project.

  5. Prepare conceptual design with reference to the Clients requirements and prepare rough cost estimate on area basis and discuss with the Client.

STAGE -2 (Preliminary Design & Drawings)
  1. Modify the Conceptual Designs on the basis of discussion with the Clients incorporate required changes and prepare preliminary drawings, sketches, study model for the Clients approval along with preliminary cost estimate on area basis .

STAGE -3 (Drawings for Statutory Approval)

Prepare Drawings necessary for statutory approval and ensure compliance with codes, standards and Legal as applicable.

STAGE - 4 (Working Drawings & Tender Document)

Prepare initial working drawings specifications and schedule of quantities sufficient to prepare estimate of cost and tender documents

STAGE - 5 (Call of Tender & Appointment of Contractors)
  1. Invite, receive and analyze Tenders and advice Client on Selection of suitable contractors.

  2. Assist the Client in preparing the draft agreement with the selected contractors.

  3. To prepare and submit all working Drawings and other details sufficient to commence the work at site.

STAGE - 6 (Construction Stage)
  1. Provide in a phase manner and in line with the agreed construction schedule complete working drawings and other details for the proper execution during construction without affecting the progress of work at site.

  2. Approve samples of various elements and components.

  3. Scrutiny and approve shop drawings submitted by the vendor and contractors.

  4. Assist the contractors to prepare works programme schedule and make adjustment in accordance with the Clients instructions regarding reasonable completion date and to match with the installation of any equipment etc.,

STAGE -7 (Completion Stage)
  1. Prepare and submit reports and drawings for the Project as required and assist the Client in obtaining completion and occupation of certificate from Statutory Authority whenever required.

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